Thursday, December 31, 2009

How do I tell a family member that their spouse is cheating on them?

I received an envelope in the mail with no return address on it and it was copies of one of my siblings spouse's emails, to the lover, about the affair. Talking about planning on living the rest of their lives together. I'm so worried about the children (my nieces and nephews).How do I tell a family member that their spouse is cheating on them?
If your parents are gone it's up to each and every brother and sister to look out for each other no matter what the age. My brother told me and I love him more for it. The spouse is always the last to know. Don't let him or her be the laughing stock to everyone who knows and will not say anything. If they are cheating on the spouse then they are cheating on your nieces and nephews. If they had any thought that someone else might catch their eye they should have never gotten married or had children. If you don't tell the truth what are you teaching your nieces and nephews? They know more than what you think, children are very smart when it comes to things like this. I know my children knew before I did and they should have never been put in that situation. Good luck and God bless.How do I tell a family member that their spouse is cheating on them?
It is possible that someone is being cruel (who has access to someone's work e-mail adress for ex) because someone hurt them in some way. I say this b/c they have access to he/she's e-mails.

The other is the spouse of the person having an affair with your sibling. He/she may have pulled this info up on their home computer.

There is no easy way to approach your sibling other than to have privacy when you present them to your sibling.

I have actually been in this situation in another way. It was my wife that was cheating and a co-worker anonymously sent me a letter in the mail. I am forever in their debt for letting me know, because who knows how far it would have gone if I wasn't made aware and able to rectify the situation.
Blood is thicker than water. Show your sibling the mailing immediately and do it with the spouse present. Tell them that whatever is going on needs to be addressed by both together. Then you've done your duty and you can step back and let them handle their business. Don't sit on this one- your brother/sister deserves you to do the right thing.
Show your sibling the email letter. Let their spouse be the one to say it, without them necessarily knowing, but still.. That way you won't have to say a thing. Just explain that you received something in the mail without a return address, and you think they should see it.
show it to your sibling. and ';be there'; (if he/she wants you there) for support.

they have a right to know - i would want to know, wouldn't you?

i'm just wondering why it was sent to YOU rather than your sibling..
Forget about trying to talk to the cheating spouse, useless. Expose it to your sibling immediately before your sibling found out you know it %26amp; you are keeping away from him/her.
U must show them to your sibling!!!

This is the best thing to do and it also contains all the proof anyway!

Some people need to see the proof before they believe something like that. It is important!
You shouldn't get involved. As hard as it sounds you cannot get involved as you will only make things worse.
its an email for a start unless you have more prove then this say nothing

he would be deleting all of his e/mails for a start and using a YAHOO account if he was cheating unless he is dumb

it could be fake - you should cofront the cheater privately to see what is going on.
You need to let them know. Let the cards fall where they may
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  • If a Chinese spouse married to an Indian and want to settle down in India, How can she get Indian residency?

    What are the legal procedures for a Chinese Spouse married to an Indian to legally settle down in India?If a Chinese spouse married to an Indian and want to settle down in India, How can she get Indian residency?
    You can get Indian Citizenship by registration :

    Persons who are married to a citizen of India and who are ordinarily resident in India for SEVEN YEARS (throughout the period of twelve months immediately before making application and for SIX YEARS in the aggregate in the EIGHT YEARS preceding the twelve months) before making application.If a Chinese spouse married to an Indian and want to settle down in India, How can she get Indian residency?
    Simple. Marry and come and settle in India and after 5 years apply for citizenship. India is a country where anybody from the universe can come and settle as no stringent rules are available and umpteen methods are available to subvert the rules. Bangladeshi Muslims are coming and settling in India in thousands per day.
    refer citizen ship Act 1955. by virtue of being the wife/husband of an Indian he/she can get registered as citizen after showing an intention of settling permanently in India.i.e. at least for a minimum of years as mentioned in the Act/rules under therein one must be in India to get there name registered.
    y would it b illegal 4 a chinese to marry an indian.........i dont get it? isnt it that she gets tha green card and over a period of time she can apply for citizenship..
    Why would a chinese chose to settle in India? Must be a nut.

    Can a military spouse, by law in North Carolina, take time off work when husband returns from deployment?

    I am returning from deployment and my spouses employer will not give her 2 weeks off to spend time with me. I know in some states, by law, employers have to give their employees time off when their husbands or wives return from deployment. Does anyone know if this applies or something like it applies to North Carolina?Can a military spouse, by law in North Carolina, take time off work when husband returns from deployment?
    Actually some states do indeed have that law. California for one has it. Since 2007 an employer MUST grant 10 days unpaid leave. Depending on the size of the company it can be 15 days. But in all cases the wife has to give written notice to the employer in order to be covered.

    I would imagine that NC would have these laws having such a huge military population.

    I took interest in your question as I have been deployed many, many times over many years. Luckily my wife's employer was fine with it all.... even after my last go round of 3+ years.

    But for the life of me I can not figure out if NC has the spousal leave laws. She should call one of the bases or posts and ask family services or JAG about this as this has to be a common question. Or she could as well call an American Legion post. Someone would probably be helpful.

    Do make sure when you get back to take some real downtime and do absolutly nothing.

    Can a military spouse, by law in North Carolina, take time off work when husband returns from deployment?
    First I want you to ask yourself this: How much does she need this job? If she is told she will be fired for taking that much time off, is it going to matter? If your answer is yes, then you should see if she can even get 1-2 days off to welcome you home, even if you guys have to spend your post deployment leave at home. If her employer cannot give her even 1-2 days off to see you, then he/she is a heartless bastard that should be shot. My husband is currently deployed and is coming home very soon. if I were her, I'd give them a 2 week notice and look for another job. If the next employer asks why she quit, tell them. I'm sure they'd want to see their spouce too if they hadn't seen them in MONTHS! Good luck and I wish you guys the best!
    Yes, BUT they are not owed any pay, and it is PURELY up to the employer whether or not to grant the leave. This is true in ALL states. The employer CAN legally say ';no'; and can fire you for not showing up.
    Was a JAG stationed in North Carolina - never heard of such a law. Frankly would be very surprised to learn that existed in any state.
    There is no such law. In fact, there are few laws requring days without work at all. For any reason.

    What if your spouse is deployed and he starts to treat you meanly for no reason?

    So, If he gets deployed and wants you to move into housing and you leave a really good job to move on base with him and once you move you are unemployed then he go to Iraq and starts treating you like crap and starts arguments with you then hang up in your face and don't call email nothing to you for like two months don't even ask how his child is doing.... what could cause this? Why is he being this way?What if your spouse is deployed and he starts to treat you meanly for no reason?
    Well now that you quit your ';Good Job'; and

    have No Income he has complete control

    over you...

    My educated guess is that he is ';Whoring Around';

    with some other ';In Service Whore'; his Unit

    or one that is stationed near his.

    Guilt will do it everytime...

    Happens all the time...

    You need to look after you...and the Baby...

    See if you can get your old Job back...

    File for Divorce asap...

    For first time enlistees the Divorce

    Rate is heading for 60%...What if your spouse is deployed and he starts to treat you meanly for no reason?
    The military has found that the more combat training and preparation they put these servicemembers through, the more time they spend downrange, the harder and harder it is for them to make the transition back the ';real world.';

    Try going around him by talking to a military support center, first sergeant, supervisor, superintendent, chaplain or a doctor. Seriously. The sooner the better too. Coming home and spending time with you guys is what the military calls ';reintegration'; and they know it's rough on families. You need to get him to talk to someone.
    I was in the army. When you deploy you are moody and irritable. Talking to my wife on the phone was the highlight of my days usually. Sure we would fight but we trusted each other. It doesn't sound like there is a lot of trust on his end. He honestly sounds controlling and manipulative. I say get rid of him. It's like he views you as just something else he has to deal with. A husband, especially a soldier, should never view his family like that. It sounds like he is being disrespectful and doesn't want you to work so he can have control. I know because I've viewed your previos questions as well. You need couples therapy if you are going to stay together. You need to start working again so he doesn't feel so entitled to be a j@ck@ss. There are a lot of guys in the army that are like that. Women are below sounds like he is one of them.

    Oh and a thank you to Brittany for saying what she did. There are so many military wives out there that take being a military wife as a career choice or something. I knew a ssgt who actually got busted down to a cpl because his wife didn't know when to shut up.
    My ex did the same thing. The big problem was when he came home. Throwing things, tearing up the house, yelling and hitting.

    Maybe he has some PTSD issues. Actually, I am almost certain he does. If this is all out of character for him, maybe you should go talk to the chaplain. He is very busy and trying to stay alive. Worry about your jobs on he home-front. Make sure you have your life in order, just in case...
    if you have a myspace add me lol

    I am going thru a deployment as well...before he left we would fight for no reason...and now he is gone its the same thing...we just have to be the strong ones..we are their rear d..we have to be there for them and support them every step of the way...

    if its real bad talk to his rear d..let them know...but dont stress on it..thats how most soldiers get when they get over there bc they want to be home and all they can think about is us

    just stay strong
    Well he might not be able to call you, OPTEMPO can make it real difficult to call home on deployments. Also deployments do stress people. Annnnndddd truth be told you have only given us one side of the story. Go see your chaplain, cause you aren't going to get the help you need on a public board.
    If he's in a war zone, he DOESN'T need any crap from you. He needs positive reinforcement and nothing but love vibes. Do NOT add to his stress level with your daily problems. Take your problems to family, chaplain, etc. but leave them at home when he calls.

    Also, if he comes home rude, he's probably shell shocked. You either have to learn to live with the new him, or leave. He has no control over what war has done to him.
    you have to understand he is extremely stressed! hes in a war environment 24/7 and reallywants to be with yall. hes just stressed. just let him know everything will be ok and to deal with your problems when he gets home
    WOOHOOO! Go Brittany!
    it's just the stress. all couples in deployment / or preparing for deployment fight for no reason. Sorry :(
    I agree with Brittany.
    I don't know but it sounds like something a ***** gets choked for. Didn't you hear about Rhianna??

    How do you deal with your significant other or spouse when they are being difficult?

    Throwing fits, sarcastic rude remarks, threatening to leave etc. ? I said it's your choice and I am not playing this game but that is PZZing him off more.How do you deal with your significant other or spouse when they are being difficult?
    I think you need to find out why he is so angry. It is hard to do, but just be nice. It is hard for someone to be a jerk when the other person is super nice.How do you deal with your significant other or spouse when they are being difficult?
    so what let it piss him off. you don't deserve to be treated that way. this guy wants to throw a temper tantrum and your suppose to stand there and take it, then every thing will be fine.bull!! plain and simple tell him that your not going to deal with it and he needs to grow up or he can leave, or you will leave.
    Earplugs is the way to go.
    ';If you don't **** off, I'm not playing Gears of War with you';
    With a baseball bat... for baseball of course ;P

    What is the best healthcare for me after my spouse gets out of the military?

    My spouse will be covered but I won't be when gets out of the military and I wanted to know the best plans and companies for me. I have PCOS and would like a plan that provides well for this condition.What is the best healthcare for me after my spouse gets out of the military?
    Is Champus an option for you?

    How about USAA?

    How does a US military veteran claim a new spouse as dependent to get a pay raise?

    How does a United States military veteran claim a new wife as dependent so that he can get a pay raise? How is this done abroad? I am based in Bangkok and we're told the VA here doesn't process such applications and we have to go to the VA in Manila, Philippines. How do expats living in Bangkok, Thailand do this? What forms are needed and what are the associated fees?How does a US military veteran claim a new spouse as dependent to get a pay raise?
    The Embassy in Bangkok does not directly process Social Security or Federal Benefits claims. We do help U.S. citizens or dependants access federal benefits through the regional Social Security Administration office in Manila. We do this by:

    Providing information and federal forms

    Certifying supporting documents for SSN applications and federal benefits applications.

    Contacting the Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration and Office of Personnel Management in order to follow-up on claims, application status, SSN applications, report change of address, and to report non-receipt of benefits.

    All original documents in Thai language must be translated by certified translators. However, legalization of English translations and Thai documents are no longer required by SSA.

    SSA Manila Contact information:

    Social Security Administration

    American Embassy

    1131 Roxas Blvd.


    0930 Manila


    Tel: (632) 525-6614

    Fax: (632) 522-1514


    What do you need to do?

    Open a “Direct Deposit” Account at the Bangkok Bank branch nearest your home. The Bank will assist you in opening a Direct Deposit Account. We suggest you clearly tell the bank staff that this account is for receiving a pension from SSA, or VA.

    Sign Form 1199: Please bring 3 completed forms sf1199 to the headquarters branch of Bangkok Bank. The bank will forward your completed Direct Deposit form (Form 1199 A) to the SSA in US. You will be able to access your benefits from the Bangkok Bank branch near your house after your request has been completely processed. This often takes a few months. For more information please contact:

    Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

    Currency Exchange Service

    Global Payment Services Department

    333 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500

    Tel: (02) 230-1322-3, (02) 230-1311, (02) 230-2168


    Transfering+Funds/Receiving+Funds/Advi… or contact Bualuang Phone Tel: 1333 or (02) 645-5555

    please refer to this page i will add:…

    Veterans Benefits (VA)

    Veterans should contact VA via


    not sure,as to where you would apply? this is really a new domain for me,

    you can look at the VA map,here given:…

    and also look on the left side of the page.... and , check the frequent questions query/ faqs;

    here go to this page, write to them and ask them, or send them a copy of the wedding registration,…

    translated, if you married in Bangkok,consult the US embassy under citizen consular services, look for marriage registration, if you have not done this yet?…

    i imagine? you could contact the VA within your state of residence....... and explain your new situation?…

    hope it helps?How does a US military veteran claim a new spouse as dependent to get a pay raise?
    thank you for reading me, i hope, it help?


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  • john masters
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  • Can I become a Seattle Police Officer if my spouse is a convicted felon from 16 years ago?

    The charge occurred in 1992 and was dispensed June of 1993. Petty theft and forgery. Has not been in any kind of trouble since. I appreciate your input.Can I become a Seattle Police Officer if my spouse is a convicted felon from 16 years ago?
    Yes, you can. But be warned, they will do a VERY thorough background check and that will most defiantly come up. Being that the offense was so long ago and there has been no other problems it shouldn't be an issue. Just be honest on your application and don't try to hide anything. People can change and those in the hiring positions know that. Good luck.Can I become a Seattle Police Officer if my spouse is a convicted felon from 16 years ago?
    although your spouse has nothing to do with your record, in reality, they run a THOROUGH background check when you apply - which will include the lowdown on your spouse...and that's *very* likely to be seen as a negative, unfortunately.

    (btw, keep in mind that the majority of the people answering your question are below 18yrs of age - as for me, i'm just ';slightly'; older than that ;) )
    yes you and your spouse may share your house and all of your belongings except for your police records. your spouse could be Charles Manson and you could still become an officer as long as you had nothing to do with it.
    your spouse may not,but you can if you meet the requirements of the job.Your spouse has nothing to do with you on this matter
    of course you can ... you didn't break the law ,she did .
    you can do anything you want...your spouse has nothing to do with YOUR record.
    yes of course i could see not because it wasn't you who did it, it was your spouse (no offense) just dont do something stupid like steal a T.V.
    Yes, they don't do background checks on family members.
    i do not believe that a spouse can stop you from getting a police job. haha thats funny
    It should have nothing to do with you. As long as you put this info on the application form.
    Why not its not like shes trying to become a pig...err i mean cop
    i would say yes
    tell them you still like donuts

    Can an estranged spouse rent out the marital home?

    My wife and I split up 6 months ago and I moved out. The house is in both of our names. She is planning to move in her new boyfriend as a roommate to help her pay the bills. Can she legally contract with a tenant when I am a joint owner of the house?Can an estranged spouse rent out the marital home?
    Yes, it only takes one of the owners. As she was the resident it is her legal right.

    Is it possible to obtain a home loan when spouse works out of state?

    My husband will be taking a job in Atlanta soon, but I will be staying in Los Angeles for a few months until he gets situated. I will be staying with my parents, so I will not be paying rent. Would it be possible to obtain a home loan for a primary residence under this circumstance?Is it possible to obtain a home loan when spouse works out of state?
    Depending on whether or not you have a job lined up, but if you go to an exception based lender, something like the olden days of sub-prime, now called level 2, 3-they should be able to work around it. You will need a VOR (Verification of Rent) from your parents, and a lot is still going to be dependent on your credit and the home you are actually buying.Is it possible to obtain a home loan when spouse works out of state?
    I recently relocated from buffalo to charlotte, now, most people say no doc loans are dead, well not necessairly as bank of america down here states they can do a no doc loan if I have 10% down and a 720 credit score. The point is a few, one, I dont believe alt has been as hard hit in terms of property values, so lenders may have more programs available. The next question would be is this a lateral move for your husband? If he's staying in the same field, this will help, if not, the bank may want to see 3 months of employment history. Next is will this job let him qualify on his own? If so, then I would say you have a pretty good shot. He will have to go around and speak with different lenders in the area to talk about qualifying. He should make sure he has copies of recent paystubs and w-2's. Make sure he has these, you know how us guys are. Also, discuss a power of attorney. I don't know if your going to go into title and be on the loan itself or not. Ga is not a spousal or community state, meaning he could just put himself in title and that is it, it also means you have no interest in the property being a spouse, so make sure that is discussed as well, good luck and let me know if I can answer anything else
    You can do that. Normally they want a lease from the person that is not moving into the home.

    Ask your lender for specific requirements. They may want a letter from your parents or a lease stating $0/month.

    How Does my spouse Become a Permanent Resident While outside the United States?

    what if we're both in mexico and i want to get him a permanent residence while we're both in mexico? and i can come and go faor whatever forms we need in and out of the u.s.?.How Does my spouse Become a Permanent Resident While outside the United States?
    You can apply for an immigrant visa if you are both living in Mexico. If you are an American citizen permanently living in Mexico you can avoid part of the process and file directly with the US embassy or one of the US consulates in Mexico. This is called ';direct consular filing.';

    If you are just temporarily living in Mexico (not a permanent Mexican resident) you'll still have to file with the CIS in the United States based on your US address.

    Once he gets his visa you'll both have to move to the United States and live here permanently.

    You need to file form I-130 and G-325 with the CIS or embassy/consulate. You can find them and their instructions here....鈥?/a>How Does my spouse Become a Permanent Resident While outside the United States?
    thank u , one more question, what if we already got married in the u.s. ?


    It makes no difference where you got married. It's based on where you actually live at the time you file.

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    I think, they must be here and sign the papers, and take the oat.
    It depends on if you are a US citizan. If you are, then it would prbably be easy to do. if not, no offense, but please stay in Mexico. We have a big immigration problem already.
    I am a US citizen and I could not live in Mexico the entire time we were waiting. I was told I had to file in the states. I also had to come home to work to meet the income guidelines. Its a long process. Email me if you need some specifics.
    How Do I Become a Lawful Permanent Resident While in the United States?


    An immigrant is a foreign national who has been granted the privilege of living and working permanently in the United States. You must go through a multi-step process to become an immigrant. In most cases, USCIS must first approve an immigrant petition for you, usually filed by an employer or relative. Then, an immigrant visa number must be available to you, even if you are already in the United States. After that, if you are already in the United States, you may apply to adjust to permanent resident status (If you are outside the United States, you will be notified to go to the local U.S. consulate to complete the processing for an immigrant visa.)
    Wow, another fraudulently marriage or a woman fooled by a foreignor who will use her to live her, then abandon her. When will men and women ever learn

    What is the easiest way to divorce with foreign spouse who is already moved out of country?

    Hi, After 6 months of short marriage, we decided to divorce. We married in America but now I am living in USA and my spouse is living in Europe. We both agreed to divorce and looking for the easiest way to file divorce. Is anyone know what wil be the best way? We don't have children nor property nor debt. Thank you very muchWhat is the easiest way to divorce with foreign spouse who is already moved out of country?
    DONT waste time or she will get a GREEN CARD and laugh in your FACE !! don't let her back in the country!!!What is the easiest way to divorce with foreign spouse who is already moved out of country?
    Did you find a resolution? I find myself in a similar situation; my spouse is not allowed back in the US though

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    How many exemptions can a person take if supporting spouse and 2 kids?

    Take home income is $45,000 a year. Taking as many exemptions as possible to get back the largest amount of money possible during the year.

    How many for the state of Alabama?How many exemptions can a person take if supporting spouse and 2 kids?
    You can claim yourself (and your spouse if applicable) and 2 kids for a total of 4 on your income tax return.

    As far as the W4, you will have to look at your last tax return, and divide your refund by the number of paychecks you get each year. Let's say you got $4,800 and are paid once a month. You need about $400 less withholding each month. Talk with your payroll person to see how many exemptions you need to claim (based on the w/h tables issued by the IRS and State of AL) to have $400 less withheld in this example.How many exemptions can a person take if supporting spouse and 2 kids?
    Exemptions are what you take on your actual tax return, and you get four, one for each person.

    Sounds like you're really asking about allowances, on your W-4. Assuming your spouse doesn't have income also, and you don't have multiple jobs, you could take as many as 9 if the kids are both under 17: one for each person, one more for having a non-working spouse, and two more for each child under 17. Even though that comes to 9, I'd stick with 8 if you want to be sure not to owe.
    P.S. next time please list your gross income, so rough assumptions and calculations can be made. I know nothing about Alabama tax codes.

    Ditto others' answers you will have 4 personal exemptions on your tax return.

    Yes, the more exemptions you claim on your W-4, the larger your regular paychecks will be. {If you claim more than 9 (?) the IRS will ask you to explain yourself, and it better be good.} But do your math to make sure you are having enough withheld because if you owe the IRS too much [%26gt;$999 (?): check the tax law] next April 15 you could owe penalties. At that time you could probably avoid/reduce the potential penalties by putting enough money into IRA accounts, but you may not have the spare cash to do that. However, when people know they will contribute to their IRAs or have massive mortgage interest, stock losses, charitable contributions, etc they often add 1 or more allowances to the person count on their W-4 to get the extra cash each paycheck instead of waiting for a large return after filing.
    you file your W-4 as you are legally entitled to do

    married, and two children, and wife does not work and you don't have a 2nd job

    if you itemized you also can declare one more dependent for every $3650 that you itemize
  • john masters
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  • How do you support/live with a clinically depressed spouse for whom doctors have been unable to help?

    Spouse can work but otherwise has no energy for anything. Depression centers around not having achieved what he wanted to in his life. Doing well financially, but thought money would be no object by now. Also unhappy with work situation, which has been the same for years.

    Also, feels guilty about various things that happened over 30 years ago and recently.How do you support/live with a clinically depressed spouse for whom doctors have been unable to help?
    It takes a gracious soul to live and support a loved one with clinical depression or any other mental illness. It's a rollercoaster where you are many times picking up the pieces. If you choose to stay as in my case (husband is bipolar II ) please find yourself a support group of kindred people so to speak. And take care of your self because not only does it affect the inflicted person , by the loved ones who love them. A last resort for my husband was a series of electr-convulsive shock treatments aka ECT. A competent psychiatrist can do them and if not will recommed who can. Most insurances cover this. Good luck. If you need support contact me thru Anwsers, Ok ?How do you support/live with a clinically depressed spouse for whom doctors have been unable to help?
    well i guess you can't help those who don't want to be helped

    but sometimes, it's really hard

    i mean when i am depressed, it gets so bad and i do want to get out of it but at the same time, i can't maybe because my system needs more time

    and supporting, this is hard as well

    but i would just try to be patient and understanding

    cause let's face it, in reality, when we are depressed, all we want is understanding...some sort of comfort it is knowing that the person can relate to you

    let's say, if your spouse says 'please believe me i try so hard and i want to overcome this' you just say 'i believe you and i feel your pain and i am here to help...i know you are strong and we ll go through this together'

    people seem to follow encouragements when they see that you really believe in them

    good luck!
    encourage him to make wild and drastic changes in his existance. get him into the Word. show him that you are a living breathing human that requires him to revitalize his sense of happiness to survive loving him. depression is heavy and it can require drastic measures or really good pills, like buspar.

    How easy is it to get pregnant when your spouse had a vasectomy?

    My husband had a vasectomy in 2000. Is there any chance we can still concieve?How easy is it to get pregnant when your spouse had a vasectomy?
    Okay... I guess I'll be the first guy to answer your question.

    Yes there is a chance.

    How do I know?

    Well, a year and a half after my vasectomy... My wife was pregnant again. I went back to the doctor to be tested and sure enough it had reversed itself!

    I went and had the procedure repeated, and my wife got her tubes tied at the time of delivery.

    I checked into it and it happens more than the ';experts'; would like to admit.

    Just remember, having a woman's tubes tied is not 100% either.

    Now if you WANT to conceive, most vasectomies can be surgically reversed.

    (Stop by my 360 page and check out the album pictures of Mr. Miracle Boy!)How easy is it to get pregnant when your spouse had a vasectomy?
    A vasectomy is 99.9% effective for life. If you would like to conceive, consult a doctor about getting the procedure reversed.
    Yes, he can have a reversal. Sometimes the tubes reconnect even without the surgery.
    Probably not, but vasectomy's can reverse themselves. If you think that is the case, he needs to hit the doctor's office and make a ';deposit'; so they can check and see if it really has. My husband had one in 2003 and he goes every year to make sure it's still okay.
    Vasectomy is considered permanent sterilization. Though there is a low failure rate, odds are pretty high that he won't ever be able to get you pregnant.
    There is a chance if he gets it reversed. however your chances decrease the longer you waste. If he doesn't get it reversed you have a better chance at winning the lotto then getting pregnant.
    My husband had one so I wouldnt have to go thru sterilization surgery. His was 100% effective. I would say you will not get pregnant.
    it is highly unlikely that you will get pregnant when your husband had a vasectomy what seven years ago? every tube that helps the sperm travel to the penis are severed and therefore making it impossible for the man to ejaculate any sperm. usually the tubes are tied, cut and burned.

    i can assure you that the odds of you getting pregnant are extremely low if possible at all.

    it is possible to get pregnant after you have had a tubal ligation but you have a higher chance of getting pregnant after you have been fixed than you do if your husband has been fixed. most women who do get pregnant after being fixed could land up having tubal pregnancies and other problems.
    depends on whether the vasectomy took or not, there is a chance that it didn't so yeah you could still concieve potentially....
    Not likely unless he gets it reversed.
    Only if he gets it reversed. Was he tested after to see if he is now sterile? If so than there isn't much of a chance without the surgery. Why did you change your mind? This is why I think people should be really sure before getting permanent sterilization. Good luck getting pregnant if this is what you really want I know how it feels to not be able to get pregnant.
    Ask my 8 week old son......I went to the ER last August because I was throwing up, had a severe headache and thought I was developing the symptoms of kidney failure all over again.......NOPE, just pregnant, and I swear, I told my husband that the doctor was an idiot and that we neded to leave the hospital, then I saw our baby on ultrasound.

    SO, yes, you can get pregnant after a vasectomy.
    Yes it is....Just like a can still get is not likely but possible....I had a friend who conceived after her husband had a vasectomy but it was very soon after...

    What does it mean when you dream that your spouse is having an affair?

    My husband recently told me that he has had a few dreams over the last few months that i was having an affair on him. Which is absolutely not true. What does it mean to have a dream like that?What does it mean when you dream that your spouse is having an affair?
    My husband dreams the same thing. And i have never cheated. but he doesn't dream dream it, he accuses me of it on no merit. I think it must have something to do with insecurities.What does it mean when you dream that your spouse is having an affair?
    it means you had a dream that he had an affair. what the hell is it like when i dream of me in a is a dream about me in a ferrari
    It means he's paranoid.

    Or he's hinting at something worse.

    Just ask him if he's fantasizing or actually dreaming these things.

    And don't take any of it too seriously. Dreams are just dreams.

    Good Luck!
    It means he had a dream you were having a affair.

    People really put to much into dreams lol
    Either you are lying and he is tuned into the Source..or he is experiencing some insecurities.
    he is insecure or might have unresolved conflicts in his life
    ummm....calm down people dream of things that won't ever happen.
    I'm thinking he might be feeling guilty about what HE'S been doing. I'd be wary if I were you.

    Does a new spouse have to be put on the deed of a previously owned home?

    Does the new spouse of a owner of a home HAVE to be put on the deed in Illinois? In other words, does the new spouse automatically own the home?Does a new spouse have to be put on the deed of a previously owned home?
    Laws vary by state. But generally they will have an interest that needs to be clarified, either by a quitclaim deed or other documents recorded showing their interest being accounted for.

    If not clarified, it will be a cloud on title, which is a bad thing when selling\buying property.Does a new spouse have to be put on the deed of a previously owned home?
    Simple answer is no. A spouse (in most states) will acquire a marital interest, but not a title interest to the property, unless title is transferred (quit claim deed, etc). There are certain protections that come along with both of you being on title (in most states) so you may want to consider it. For example, in MO, if the property is owned by husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, a judgment against only one spouse does not attach as a lien to the property. Consult an attorney.
    Actually, even in a community property state, you have no right to the home as is was brought into and not a product of the marriage. Your spouse bought, paid for and owns the home. If you divorce, he keeps it.
    if you are in a dower state and you spend 1 night in the home as wed then no you do not have to be added as you now have joint tenancy with rights of survivor ship.

    What is the most inexpensive way to add a spouse to a property deed?

    Property is in Travis County.What is the most inexpensive way to add a spouse to a property deed?
    Quitclaim deeds are commonly used to transfer real property between spouses or to add a spouse to the title because the spouse who previously owned the property probably already has some sort of warranty deed, so further warranties don't need to be made to new spouse.

    If you bought the property when you were single, any property purchased prior to the marraige is the seperate property of the spouse who purchased it. Thus given no other circumstances this is your own seperate property. However the big qualification is that when you as a couple comingle property that is used as if it is both of yours then it can be considered community property. If you were to get divorced (... forbid) this could be a major issue to be argued over at a high cost to both of you by your attorneys. If you want this to be community property and I assume you do then you simply need to sign a quit claim deed assigning the spouse that interest. The best way to do this is to go through a reputable title company who will take care of everything for you at a low cost.What is the most inexpensive way to add a spouse to a property deed?
    take the deed to the court house. Thats how it would be done in Iowa.

    What do you think of people who set their spouse an allowance?

    Do you think that is not a good thing and why not? Or do you think it is a good thing and why is it good? If only one spouse is working and they set an allowance for how much the unemployed spouse can spend is that wrong or right in your opinion?What do you think of people who set their spouse an allowance?
    That's f***king hilarious, in my opinion.

    I think it's fine if both partners consent to it.

    Personally I would not deal with such nonsense.

    Whatever works for you...What do you think of people who set their spouse an allowance?
    I would probably not use the term as an ';allowance';, but as one of the other posters mentioned, a balanced budget is part of a healthy relationship. Knowing how much you intend to spend on what areas of your life and sticking to it can prevent so much stress and the arguments that go along with it. In a good relationship, I would think that the couple should make the budget together and come to an agreement so that it is not one person setting it for the other. Of course, there are some couples where one person is just not as fiscally responsible as the other and those situations have to be handled carefully.
    I'd be quite happy if my husband did this as I am hopeless with money, always overspending. Unfortunately, he is just as hopeless. We will probably both die in debt. He doesn't have any inclination to restrict my spending. I think things like this are probably best discussed before marriage, otherwise they could cause resentment. I don't see anything wrong with it though so long as the working spouse isn't stingy.
    I think that it is wrong IF the spouse at home is tending to home and children. This is b/c it sets up a parent/child dynamic that has no place in an intimate relationship. However, if the stay at home spouse is just lazy and refuses to work, then they get nothing. Isn't it enough that they are basically living for free anyways?
    It depends. My husband and I both work and both of our paychecks go into a joint account. However, we each have a personal account and money is transferred from the joint account to these accounts monthly, as an allowance. This is used to buy personal items that we agree should not be paid for jointly. This can include any number of things - this month I bought an iPod Touch and a Blu-Ray burner, and my husband bought an Ebook reader.

    Problems arise when the allowance is used as a way to control someone.
    It depends on the reasons for the allowance. If the one spouse is horrible with money, then setting them an allowance to make sure the bills are paid and all of that, it is fine. If it is a way of manipulating or control, then it is bad.
    Usually it is done because one of the parties spends too much, therefore its a good thing. It sets up a man of the house, wife relationship which is perfectly fine in an intimate male female relationship.
    I don't see what the big deal is. I'm single and I give myself an allowance. It's called handling your household finances responsibly.
    Budgeting is important when you are trying to avoid defaulting on credit cards or foreclosing on your home mortgage.
    both should have an allowance

    it's called budgeting every couple should have a budget

    it's a good thing
    There is a budget for every household.

    Both adults should be on an allowance, not just one of them. It won't work any other way.
    Go make your own money and stop relying on men to give you money. It's that simple.
    I think they are a menace.
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  • Can a putitive spouse inherit the property that she and her deceased husband outlined in a living trust?

    Just found my marriage may have been putative. An old divorce of mine in California may NOT have been finalized. My husband died 10 years ago and the estate is closed. I live in California. We have home in trust and I am beneficiary of spousal IRA.Can a putitive spouse inherit the property that she and her deceased husband outlined in a living trust?
    Wow - I don't usually recommend this on here (you can check!) but in this case you really need to consult an attorney, at least that's my suggestion.

    There are a number of factors here, namely why the divorce is not final, the terms of the trust, and the terms of the IRA. Someone with experience in these matters needs to review the actual documents, as this could have significant tax implications as well.

    What form should I use to file Injured Spouse 8379 for 2006?

    I have been told I am still on time to file an Inujred Spouse Form 8379 for last year (2006). I only have the Form for this year, is it possible to use this form now? Do I need to get a 8379 2006? Please advise. Thank you.What form should I use to file Injured Spouse 8379 for 2006?
    The current form 8379 available at is the one to use. The form did not change from 2006 to 2007.What form should I use to file Injured Spouse 8379 for 2006?,

    enter year in search box.

    follow link to all forms for that year.

    If one spouse gets Social Security Disability and the other one works do we have to file together?

    File Taxes together?If one spouse gets Social Security Disability and the other one works do we have to file together?
    SSI is different from social security. SSI doesn't have to be reported - social security does. SSI isn't taxable, social security might be partially taxable or not depending on other income.

    No, you never have to file a joint return. But filing as married filing separately will very likely cost you MORE in taxes.If one spouse gets Social Security Disability and the other one works do we have to file together?
    As a married couple, you have the option of filing as ';Married filing Jointly'; or as ';Married filing Separately';. However, if you file as ';Married filing Separately';, if one of you itemizes, the other must do so also.

    As a general rule, filing as a married couple will result in a better tax break as opposed to filing separately.

    Prepare your return(s) both ways and see which is better.
    You're not REQUIRED to file together. You should consult a tax advisor, or run it both ways using your favorite tax preparation software.
    Being married and together, your choices are to file MFJ or MFS. Generally it is more beneficial to file jointly, but you can always try it both ways. This is particulary true if you own a home and itemize, as if one itemizes, the other must also. If you don't itemize, and don't get EIC or education or child tax credits, MFS could be fine, but those credits aren't available on MFS returns.

    You seem to be confusing SSI and SS Disability.
    you can file married jointly or married speratly... depending on the figures, and other criteria, it is sometimes best to file jointly... go ahead and figure it out both ways and see which one is best first before filing
    you don't have to file together
    If one of you itemizes, the other spouse also has to itemize, that's true.

    But also if you are receiving social security and file separate returns and live with your spouse, 85% of your social security will be taxable even if it is not when filing a joint return.

    Here is the link. see pages 5 and 6

    I know the difference between SSI and SSDI. I assumed the questioner is talking about SSDI which could be taxable. SSDI is funded by our FICA taxes. SSI is not. Its funded by general tax revenues and is basically a federal welfare system.

    Have a spouse with a green card, would like to know if it is better to file separately or jointly?

    We are going through some difficulties and will end up divorcing. I want to know if it is of any benefit to me to file my taxes as single or married?Have a spouse with a green card, would like to know if it is better to file separately or jointly?
    if you are married, then you only have two choices...MFS or MFJ.

    If one of you have a tax debt greater than what your withheld tax is then file separtely. You will lose on some possible credits but at least you wont pay the others tax. and you wont have to deal with other issues.

    if you both have a tax refund, then do a joint return because it will increase it, just a little bit. and have your portion deposited into your bank account. the amount going into each account has to be over $1.

    but remember you can only file MFS or MFJ, if you are married.


    Actually you CAN file as HOH. but you have to be considered unmarried. The IRS has 5 conditions you must meet to be considered unmarried. go to to look them up.

    you live and you learn.Have a spouse with a green card, would like to know if it is better to file separately or jointly?
    You can't file as single, but you have a choice of a joint return or of filing as married filing separately. If she has any outstanding taxes that aren't paid with the return, then if you file jointly you are responsible for them, but not if you file separately. But assuming everything is in order with tax reporting and payments, filing a joint return will probably result in less tax overall.
    If you are going through a divorce, better to file as single to avoid complications later.
    Calculate it both ways and see.

    Most likely married filing jointly will be the most beneficial to both parties.

    How do you go to public with your spouse on Sims 2 Nightlife?

    I want to go on a date with my man but I don't know how to go to town. Could you help?How do you go to public with your spouse on Sims 2 Nightlife?
    you just click on the sim you want to go on a date with then press ask

    then click on ask on a date

    once you are on a date, call a taxi or go to your car and click go to community lot

    it will ask you who else is going then click you and the other sim

    If a spouse forged your name on tax papers & filed my W2 in a joint status without my permission what can i do?

    We live in separate households although married. Have been separated a couple years.If a spouse forged your name on tax papers %26amp; filed my W2 in a joint status without my permission what can i do?
    File your own return, as married filing separately. When the IRS asks what you're doing filing two returns, tell them this is the only one you filed. He'll be busted.

    How did he get your W-2?If a spouse forged your name on tax papers %26amp; filed my W2 in a joint status without my permission what can i do?
    As Judy indicated, file your own return. You should get a computer-generated ';nasty-gram'; saying that your SSN has already been used on a return and rejecting your filing. Then respond to this letter that the return you filed is the only one you authorized and signed. Your response will be assigned to a real, live person and an investigation will be opened.

    Once you prove who you are and that you didn't file the first return then you ';ex'; will get a separate nasty-gram saying that his filing status has been rejected and he owes the back taxes PLUS penalties PLUS interest. If the amount of tax is sufficient, then it might also warrant an investigation by the Criminal Investigation Division at the IRS.


    Mike Womack, Sr. Partner

    Zero Degrees Tax LLP

    Moore, OK

    Lawton, OK

    How did he get your W2 if you live in separate households?

    Didn't you file your own return? Was your return rejected? You submit your return as paper return with your W2 and cover letter to IRS. I am Mary Doe, living at 123 Janner Drive, Town, State, Zip, and have lived there since X date, separate and apart from my spouse. Although we remain legally married, we do not cohabit, do not commingle our funds and do not file joint tax returns and I have given my spouse NO authorization to file jointly, nor have I signed any joint return.

    You MUST file MFS or MFJ unless you have children and qualify to file HOH. IRS is used to resolving disputes and if you give them enough info to establish yourself, should be fine.

    You need to get divorced and separate yourself legally from him.
    You must file a return yourself, whether you want to or not. An attempt to file electronically will be unsuccessful. You will need to file a paper (hardcopy) return.

    Additionally, you may or may not wish to:

    a. Divorce and/or

    b. Report your spouse to the IRS and/or the police for forging your signature.

    Can british spouse of canadian citizen work in Canada without a work permit?

    Hello, I am a Canadian citizen living and working in Canada. My fiancee is a British Citizen and wishes to work in Canada. Aside from finding an employer who will give him employment under a work permit, would he be entitled to work in Canada if we were married here, or would I need to go through the sponsorship process?Can british spouse of canadian citizen work in Canada without a work permit?鈥?/a>

    What is the best form to add the spouse onto a grant deed?

    My husband is the only person on our deed for the house we bought almost 2 years ago. We want to add me to the deed/title of the home. What is the best document and way to do this? And, at minimal cost. We want to handle it ourselves. Thank you!What is the best form to add the spouse onto a grant deed?
    In most places, you can't handle it yourselves: you have to register the new deed with the county. Check with your local county recording office for details on the easiest way to get this done. It's likely they know where to get the form, and when is the best time to bring it to the office for quick service.

    What is the best form to add the spouse onto a grant deed?

    My husband is the only person on our deed for the house we bought almost 2 years ago. We want to add me to the deed/title of the home. What is the best document and way to do this? And, at minimal cost. We want to handle it ourselves. Thank you!What is the best form to add the spouse onto a grant deed?
    In most places, you can't handle it yourselves: you have to register the new deed with the county. Check with your local county recording office for details on the easiest way to get this done. It's likely they know where to get the form, and when is the best time to bring it to the office for quick service.

    How do I get educational benefits as a Spouse of disabled American veteran?

    My husband, a disabled veteran, and I are both planning on attending college this year. He will get his benefits to pay for school but I've heard I also can receive benefits to go to school myself. Has anyone gone through this process before that can help me? What do I do first? How soon can I get the paperwork done and begin my schooling?How do I get educational benefits as a Spouse of disabled American veteran?
    He needs to be 100% disabled I'm pretty sure.

    I am 30% disabled Vet but my spouse will get nothing while I am still alive. Now when I am deceased I know my kids can apply for aid-but not sure on my spouse.

    At 30% the VA offers Voc. Rehab and other benefits.

    Like others said--check with the VA for the actual benefits and don't go by what we say-as this is just our experiences unless someone references a source.How do I get educational benefits as a Spouse of disabled American veteran?
    I am the spouse of a 50% disabled vet. I have been researching this for a month. I'm sorry but we, as spouses, are not intitled to any educational benifits unless they are offered as scholarships or grants by a particular university.

    Report Abuse

    The best way to find out this kind of information is to contact the Department for Veterans Affairs at and search for the office nearest to your location. There they can give you all the information you need. You can also get any forms you may need off of that site.
    There are No educational funds for Spouses.

    If he is going through VOC Rehab with the VA,

    when he graduates...they will expect him to get

    a job and will stand a chance of losing his VA Comp.
    Welcome to the GI Bill Website

    If your spouse in on drugs and creating problems, can police arrest them in the home?

    Spouses cocaine use is out of control. It is shot into veins and makes their behavior scary. Money is gone and not sure of what they may be capable of. There are strange people driving by or coming over and they are all shady individuals. What can I do to feel safe and comfortable?If your spouse in on drugs and creating problems, can police arrest them in the home?
    Yes. Have him arrested, get him into rehab.

    Figure out how you are going to pay the bills in the mean time.

    Seriously consider disappearing from that home.If your spouse in on drugs and creating problems, can police arrest them in the home?
    YES, you CAN have them arrested in your home. Just a simple call to the police. PLEASE be VERY CAREFUL w/these strangers, you have NO idea of just what they could do. NO, you are NOT safe! If your husband won't do anything to get himself straightened out, they you'd have NO alternative but to turn him in. If the money is gone, you don't know what they want or what they'll take in retaliation. You are NOT in a safe environment whatsoever. Your safely come first at all costs, so just remember that. People on drugs are not safe, they are not doing the thinking, the drugs are doing the thinking. Cocaine is a VERY EXPENSIVE ';habit'; %26amp; he already just could have quite a large sum of money owed to these ';shady individuals. Just PLEASE BE CAREFUL %26amp; leave nothing to chance. Get them ALL out of your home NOW. The police are only a phone call away, but be very careful NO ONE hears you make that call! You're dealing w/desperate people, %26amp; desperate people do desperate things...Be safe...:)
    Pack all of your important and valuable sh@t while this man is gone or sleeping. Have a cab or relative waiting. Then leave. If you have children, take them with you to a relative's or friend's house. If the place is in your name, he can be removed by the land lord. If it's in his name, there's nothing you can do. If it's in both of your names, you must wait for the divorce to be finalized in order to decide who keeps what. Good luck.
    Yes police can arrest him in your home - he has drugs and probably plenty of drug paraphernalia in your home - that would be a reason for an arrest. He needs rehab - an arrest will just land him in jail. If you want to feel safe and comfortable get out of the home - because more than likely, if you had him arrested, those shady characters would probabaly still show up. Leave right away.
    I agree you need to get! If he doesn't have money to buy drugs, then he is capable of doing anything. Does he owe these ';shady'; individuals money? If he does, then that is even worse because they are going to want their money. They may raid your house or even harm you.

    Call or go to the police station and ask them for help. (yes he can be arrested in the home and you can too, if there are drugs in the house and sombody else call the cops). It will be faster than trying to figure out how to get him into rehab on your own. The sad thing is that if he doesn't want help, then nobody can help him! So you may just want to think about how to get out of the house and keep yourself safe. Go stay with friends. If you are afraid of him and afraid that he might find you, then go to the police and ask them to help you find a woman's shelter. It may not be the Hilton, but at least you will be safe.
    First Leave.

    Second Report this criminal activity to the authorities

    If - and only if- proper treatment has been received and you still want a relationship then think about that. But remember- rehab is a lifelong dedication to NOT doing drugs- and cocaine is a hard one to break. Take care of you- no matter what...
    You should leave get yourself out of there as soon as you can.
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  • Why or how would declining health in a spouse?

    Bring you closer together or further apart?

    I read a local study that states that many couples, when faced with declining health seems to bring both older and younger couples closer together, or to the other extreme. What are your experiences with this issue?Why or how would declining health in a spouse?
    I would disagree with the result of that study. Since it depends on the

    relationship the couple has had before the declining health issue inter-

    vened. If a couple is dear to one another, the devastating knowledge

    that they will soon loose their loved one, will invariably bring the two

    closer than before. Their moments together, will be more cherished and meaningful.

    But if a couple is not devoted, or one is less than the other whose

    health is declining, the pressure and stress of having to care for, or

    find someone to do so, can push a couple even farther apart. While

    one may perform duties out of responsibility, they will often resent their ill partner and sometimes, place them into a care facility and

    shun them for the most part.

    I have seen devoted partners' in the past, share their undying devo-

    tion to the sick one.. And of course, there were those who never

    had a visitor, which is sad, and died alone without even so much as

    someone holding their hand. Working in a nursing home as I did for

    a year and a half, I learned one thing. And that was, I'd never put

    someone there. Of course, they are more improved now,

    than those of the 60s'. But the lonliness factor can be a killer before

    the actual cause of illness takes it's toll.

    I envy seniors who have many children. With the hope that a few can

    share the responsibility of helping to care for their elderly parents.

    Especially, if one has been plagued by a lingering illness. Often the

    devoted spouse is unable to care for his mate. So that's when the

    children should take the lead and join forces to take turns caring for

    the sick one. No one wants to be put away in a nursing home, unless

    they have no other choice. When caring for themselves is no longer

    an option. It's so hard for the spouse who visits and can't do anything

    to reverse the situation. They can only continue to love them, until

    the light has been removed from their eyes.Why or how would declining health in a spouse?
    And yet the divorce rate for women who become disabled while married is extremely high. Disgracefully so.

    For disabled men not so much. I think thats very sad, and I would like to see the stats for declining health based on gender.

    I think a lot of men cant seem to or arent willing to step in and take over the cooking, cleaning, childcare etc that most women do on top of their careers. So far it seems men are not prepared to carry the same load that working women do.

    So I would say the outcome depends on how severe the impact on the home environment is. And what kind of support the couple has from family or care givers.

    Though I am sure the lovely men on here who have been married for decades do NOT fit this profile. (disabled women/divorce) Its lovely to see so many very long marriages --

    When my uncle got ALS my aunt was amazing, I dont think I could as an able bodied person have done everything she did, lifting my uncle in and out of bed, in and out of the bath tub, on and off the toilet, into his wheelchair, then into the car, out of the car, into the wheel chair to take him where ever they were going - then lift him back into the car, and so on.

    I had so much admiration for her. She was an amazing loving strong woman and she went the distance and then some. Definitely brought them closer together. And she cared for him until the end without any respite or help because the Cdn Govt is too cheap to provide any.
    I've seen declining health bring several couples closer together who have had stormy marriages for many long decades. I think this happens because of genuine need and compassion. Perhaps they need a health crisis to reach out to each other with love instead of burning with anger and resentment. I've been amazed at the tenderness shown. We humans are a strange bunch, aren't we?

    I've also seen a health crisis destroy one young marriage. The financial difficulties became too much for the man and he left his wife. Her parents took over her care. Another couple I knew divorced soon after the death of their child. Sad, sad situations.
    My mother-in-law had a stroke and was very ill. My father-in-law who used to be the domineering and quarrelsome one immediately mellowed down. It was like a role reversal. She would scream and hit him, while he took good care of her through thick and thin during her illness. She died two years later, and he followed closely with a stroke himself and passed away three months later.

    Declining health had definitely brought my parents-in-law closer together.
    When my husband became ill, I wanted to spend as much time as I could with him because we didn't know how much time he had left. However, there were days when I was so tired and so frustrated and resentful that I wanted to run away and never come back. I think that most people have these mixed emotions when they become caregivers to a spouse. Fortunately for most, they are able to grow closer despite the frustrations, as my husband and I did. For others, the stress and sadness are just overwhelming.
    Closer. So much closer. I hear people say they love someone so much they would like to die before their loved one because they couldn't live without them. But when someone you love is in declining health you realize that when you love someone you want to be there for them to the very end . That the worse thing you can think of is leaving them alone to suffer.
    having worked in aged care for 20 yrs, it amazed me the devotion some couples have for each other.

    the elderly man who came to the nursing home each and every day to feed his wife and stay for 2-3 hours.a woman ill herself, still taking care of her husband .older couples tend to see their years out together. ......some young couples feel they are missing out on life , and feel resentful.or move on.others are devoted to their spouse.
    I know that after I had surgery on my feet, my late husband proved he was truly my best friend. There are just some things that most people just won't do for other people unless they are in the medical field and are paid to take care of such needs. These needs can be disgusting and it takes a lot of love to be able to handle it. Plus, when someone is ill in the household, they are not the best people to be around. I found out that I was a terrible person when I'm not at my peak performance level and many folks couldn't handle my lousy disposition. If it weren't for love, I'm sure my husband would have just walked out rather than deal with my depression and self-pity. It takes a strong person to stick by sick people. Great question, Noonecanne!
    bad health brought me closer to my mom, sister and brother before each of them passed. i like to think the same would happen if something happened to my husband.too often, it's the fear of losing them that makes us realize the importance of those we love. too bad we can't figure that out a little sooner sometimes.
    Well in my created problems...since there were kids to care for and I was the Incapacitated one...Lets just say I learned what I was made of...and just how tough I am...There was no love lost, but , the is a division of the responsibilities and jobs in a marriage and when a partner cannot pull their share it does become hard... especially when there are 3 small kids in the mix , and the man is the one who the burdon falls on...I do not say this in jest...we made it through by the skin of our teeth! None , the 2 of us the worse for the wear!!! still togather.
    It all boils down to the character of the healthy one. Some would see it as a good excuse to walk away, while others dig in and stick it out to the bitter end,, , , I have seen this happen all my life within my family of aunts, uncles and cousins. The odd thing is. . . they all stuck it out. I am proud of my roots !
    I can't relate personally, but if declining health brings a couple closer together, it may be because neither forgot the part of their wedding vows that says, ';in sickness %26amp; in health.'; That's truly what it's all about when a spouse has health issues.
    I'm a widow now, but my husband had been badly burned in a propane explosion, though we were close, it brought us even closer. When the one you love is in pain, or needs you, all the love comes through.
    We are fast growing further apart. He becomes very angry and aggressive towards me.

    I can't force him to a doctor and apparently our friends can't convince him he's in desperate need of help.
    It can bring a couple closer together by making them realize how precious life is and how little time they might have left together.
    Closer, much closer.
    Sounds like a good time to load up on life insurance and love the person to death.

    What are some things that you and your spouse will never agree on?

    Even though my husband and I have a lot in common we still agree to disagree and compromise on certain things.

    What are some things you and your spouse will just never agree on-even if it's something small...

    For example some of ours are...

    Tattoos, piercings, religion, how to spend money, even stuff like dinner/groceries, or what type of movie to watch.What are some things that you and your spouse will never agree on?
    What we consider ';fun.'; His is hanging out with the same group of people week after week, night after night.

    Mine is seeing new places, experiencing new things, meeting new people.

    Sounds so trivial, but can cause real conflict.What are some things that you and your spouse will never agree on?
    Nothing. He does what he's told.

    lol, just kidding.

    He and I just agree to disagree on whatever it is. We really don't disagree on anything of importance. We compromise on everything. It keeps the peace and we both end up getting what we want, if not this time then next time. Does that make sense? We also respect each others opinion or belief if there is something that we disagree on. Like I said, it's usually not on anything of importance. We get along splendidly really.....going on 15 years.

    Thinking about it, I guess we never agree on movies. I like chick flicks and he loves dramas and action.
    religion. We are both Christian but my husband was raised in a very conservative denomination (no instrumental music, no woman preachers, no Sunday school teacher that are women if a man is going to be in the class). I have learned not to even try to discuss it with him. He doesn't go to church now but the subject does come up on occasion if we go to his fathers church once in a blue moon. I take my son to church where I want but my husband refuses to go anywhere other than the denomination he was raised in. Weird, I know, but we make it work.
    OMG!...My husband and I have the worst time agreeing on groceries and what to have for dinner. I admit that I do like to pick dinner up rather than actually cook. We spend a lot of time going over how much I spend on picking something up instead of cooking what we have in the fridge. But when I get off work...I have tunnel vision and I am so ready to get home and get's just easier. So I try to explain to him that the stove isn't attached to the back of my car in the evenings so he can start dinner before I get there :-)
    Of course, you may be married, but you're still individuals. Every one has an opinion of how things should be, it's normal. If you can agree to disagree, there shouldn't be too much of a problem. It's only when one or the other tries to impose their thoughts and opinions on the other that it becomes a problem. It's Ok to be your own person even in marriage. Hope this helps....
    The only thing is lights... I shower in the dark and like few lights on. He likes it a little brighter. I also like to leave a colored light on instead of a white light, it is more relaxing.
    Jesus! ';lots in common'; You guys are so lucky! You guys are definitely made for each other.
    How to spend money is the biggest thing. Followed by child discipline.
    Discipline of children.....
    Buying too many toys for our toddler.
    how to discipline children, that's why I am in charge of that area most the time lol
    A new sexual experience. I am tired of the same old sheet!

    What type of payment will I owe my spouse if we get divorced after a short marriage?

    I got married about a month ago, with the understanding that my husband would move to live with me. He now won't move. We are trying to get the marriage annulled, but in the event that this doesn't work, he is angry enough with me that he wants to have a contested divorce. We don't own anything together and we've never lived together. I make more money than he does, but he has a job and an education. Am I going to have to pay him alimony or some other type of support?What type of payment will I owe my spouse if we get divorced after a short marriage?
    lol No you will not have to give him a dime. 1st you haven't been living together to support one another. 2nd you have only been married a month.

    It takes yrs to qualify for a nice alimony check. Get an annulment and move on with your lifeWhat type of payment will I owe my spouse if we get divorced after a short marriage?
    Absolutely not. I do not see any reason the annulment will not go through. If he is dumb enough to hire an attorney, it will only cost him more money in expenses. Don't worry about anything, this case will be opened and closed in a matter of weeks. Next time, you decide to jump into marriage, give it some more time and make a better judgment. Good luck.
    nope, you wont have to pay any alimony or any other type of financial support. the marriage was too short term to have any obligations (financially) to eachother.
    No you would not have to pay him anything...You married this man, so why are you not moving in with him?? is it worth ending before trying???

    Good Luck...

    In California, Is the interest paid to x spouse for arrearages on child support considered taxable income?

    I understand child support is not deductable or taxable. However, it seems that this additional income would be considered earned income. I have not been treated well in this whole process, even if she had no tax liability, I would feel somewhat better if I was allowed an interest deduction.In California, Is the interest paid to x spouse for arrearages on child support considered taxable income?
    Interest is not earned income under any circumstance.

    The interest you paid is not deductible to you or taxable to the recipient as it is considered child support.In California, Is the interest paid to x spouse for arrearages on child support considered taxable income?
    Any interest that you pay beyond mortgage, student loan and investment interest is considered ';personal interest'; and as such not deductible.
    From what I understood-- you defaulted in child support so you had pay interest on child support arrears to your x spouse.

    1. Any allowable interest deduction can be claimed only if you itemize your deductions.

    2. Interest on child support arrears is not an allowable deduction.

    3. I think that the interest on child support arrears will not be earned income for your x spouse as it is not alimony. It should be treated as child support.
    In your case is is unallowable personal interest.

    What would it be considered if an ex-spouse did not take the ex off their company paid health insurance?

    They didn't take them off because they thought they had to cover them for 3 yrs after the divorce. Which obviously was wrong. They have removed the person now. But could the company or insurance company get them for fraud?What would it be considered if an ex-spouse did not take the ex off their company paid health insurance?
    That's insurance fraud. What will happen, is that the subscriber - the employee - will get a bill for all the money the insurance company paid out for the ex spouse, while they were fraudulently covered.

    Charges won't be pressed unless the employee doesn't reimburse the insurance company.What would it be considered if an ex-spouse did not take the ex off their company paid health insurance?
    Probably depends on the insurance carrier and what their rules are. I know people who've left an ex on their policy and it's been ok, because they're usually getting an extra premium for each family member anyway, but I think some companies allow it and some don't. It would only be fraud if the company didn't allow it, and clearly stated that it wasn't allowed, and you were supposed to inform them and didn't.
    Depends on the terms of the divorce agreement. I've known divorced couples where the ex was expected to continue paying for his former spouse's medical insurance, and it was written up in legal terms so that the insurance company couldn't object.
    that is fraud so you have been paying for something that you shouldn't have and could go to jail if you tried to use it.
    Yes. That could be considered fraud. Penalties could be civil or possibly criminal.
    Yes fraud but they won't. They will demand financial restitution for the time period in question.

    What should you do if your previously dieting spouse falls off the wagon?

    And you find him/her on the kitchen floor with six empty cartons of Ben %26amp; Jerry's and a glazed look.

    My spouse gets so testy when I mention her relapses.What should you do if your previously dieting spouse falls off the wagon?
    I would be supportive and encouraging. I'd let them know that I love them regardless of whether they diet or not. Also that I know how hard they've been trying and that it's quite normal to have relapses, but that they can get right back on the wagon if they want to. That's about all you can do. Everyone has to decide for themselves. She probably gets testy thinking you are disappointed in her, as she probably is herself.What should you do if your previously dieting spouse falls off the wagon?
    Am I your spouse? Oh god, dieting is hard and I have fallen off. Just when my husband starts to say how hot I'm looking, I'll get overly confidant, then lose motivation, have a bad day and wham. I'm drinking beer and eating chocolate like Oprah on crack. Don't do anything in the moment. Wait for a happy time and mention that has been doing so well on her healthy eating plan that you decided to make a super diet friendly dinner for you both. Help her out too you know. Keep fruits in the house, don't mention the relapses unless it's a relapse without a recovery. Losing weight and keeping it off is an ongoing thing with ups and downs, just keep with her on it and encourage her NICELY to keep up the good work.
    As a true and loving husband, you would find a way to get beyond that in your heart, mind and soul.

    You would also find ways to work with her to help her in the dieting as well as giving her the support system that she needs on the mental and emotional level to help keep her inspired with the diet.

    The same would be in reverse for a wife with a husband who has a weight issue.
    I must be missing something because I don't see how people fall out of love with their spouse just because they gain a few pounds. And half of the time people marry their spouses (already with some extra baggage) and expect after they say ';I Do'; for them to lose weight and be how they imagine them to be. If your spouse falls of the band's not the end of the world. They are probably on some stupid diet that doesn't work anyway all because they are trying to starve themselves to be the perfect weight. I would get on the floor right next to my boo and indulge right along with him.
    Are you supportive when she diets? When she falls off the wagon, sit there and share some with her. Once she's done beating herself up, encourage her by saying....all good things take time. Tomorrow's another day. Remind her how much you love and support her. Hope this helps....
    Baby, lovingly and gently go get your come along tool and get her back on that *itch @ss diet wagon and with all of the love you can possibly muster continue to be supportive of her efforts.
    Wagon?? Sounds like she needs to get a treadmill. Is she so big that you have to wagon her around? Wow, that is not cool... Have you ever thought about a wheelbarrow? They are cheaper and you dont need horses.
    Ignore it and leave the kitchen unless this happens every night. then you should probably make the house a Ben %26amp; Jerry free zone.
    Equip the wagon with bigger and better shocks.
    You support her first

    Then suggest that maybe if she didn't purchase junk, she wouldn't keep running back to it

    then you take her to a dietion and have them work with her
    SHE has to do something about it - you can only make it worst
    Force her to eat pizza til she vomits.... like when you force a kid to smoke until they're sick to put them off it.

    No wonder she's over eating.... she's obviously married to an awful man.
    i would be supportive, not spiteful.

    relapse is a part of the recovery process.
    Be even more supportive and understanding!
    Remind her not to forget the sprinkles next time. : )
    Tell her to shut up and get on the treadmill.
    *sigh* Women! ;-)
    My husband has been working so hard to lose weight - but it's OK if he has a snack or two occasionally. We all deserve to eat what we want from time to time!
    she need help! if you love her!it will eat her brain truly!
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  • What are all the pros to being a spouse to a military husband?

    My fiance is joining the Army. I love him very much, and I'm so excited and proud of him for making this choice! I was wondering, what the pros are of the military. What benefits and such do they receive?

    Also, don't get me wrong, I am not just marrying him for the sake of getting benefits from the Army. I love him very much! And we are high school sweethearts. :) Thank you very much!What are all the pros to being a spouse to a military husband?
    I hope I don't offend anybody by saying this, either, but marry him after he's finished with all of his training. My daughter is an army wife and she got married to her boyfriend after all of his training and before he got deployed. Three weeks after their wedding, he deployed to Iraq. They did do it for the benefits because he wanted to make sure that she was taken care of in case something happened to him in Iraq. He felt better just knowing she'd be ok as far as benefits. You will get health benefits and education assistance in case you want to go to college if you are married to him. If he's deployed and you are married, you will get separation pay, combat pay, and you will get to live anywhere you want and you'll get BAH (money for housing) based on where you choose to live. During my son-in-law's first deployment, my daughter lived near me and not on base. About 3 months before he was scheduled to come back, she moved on post (on base) and lives there now. She gets to shop tax-free on base. So, there are alot of benefits for army wives!

    So, don't feel bad about a quick wedding, or marrying him for that reason because many have done that before you and many will do it afterwards. We planned my daughter's wedding in 2 months. He found out he was leaving for Iraq, proposed to her, and 2 months later they were married and three weeks later he was gone.

    Good luck to you and welcome to the army family! I appreciate what your fiance is doing for our country.What are all the pros to being a spouse to a military husband?
    While he is deployed you will have your pick of all the guy's left behind, usually how it goes, that's why the divorce rate is so high in the military.

    Can my spouse claim mortgage interest paid on his taxes if its under my name?

    Married filing separately. His income is higher, so can he claim mortgage interest paid instead of me if it's under my name, since we are married?Can my spouse claim mortgage interest paid on his taxes if its under my name?
    If he is co-owner of the home and legally liable on the mortgage, he can deduct the mortgage interest and property tax actually paid by him or paid out of his earnings. If you are in a community property state, the amount he can deduct is usually 50% of the mortgage and property taxes.

    Richard K

    Master Tax Advisor

    HR Block

    This advice is based upon the law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts provided by you. See my profile for more information.Can my spouse claim mortgage interest paid on his taxes if its under my name?
    Only the party legally required to pay the loan (the borrower or borrowers) can claim the interest deduction. Why would you not file jointly?
    No the mortgage is in your name and under your SSN and that is how it is reported. File jointly you will make out better

    If a spouse leaves the home after a domestic dispute, are they allowed to return at anytime?

    Are they allowed to walk away and not pay the mortage and disconnect PGE, phone, water and cancel the car insurance? Any ideas on what I should do?If a spouse leaves the home after a domestic dispute, are they allowed to return at anytime?
    they can come back anytime they want to if their name is on the lease or mortgage. they can do anything they want to do unless u have filed for divorce and the courts order him to pay u spousal support or child support.If a spouse leaves the home after a domestic dispute, are they allowed to return at anytime?
    If their name is on the lease/mortgage papers then they can return to the residential home at any time because Legally it is still theirs as well.

    I would begin protecting yourself by removing that other person's name from any of the agreements you both may be on and just say that he is no longer residing at the home. If their name is the only name on the agreements, then there is nothing you can do but to seek a lawyer

    Can british spouse of canadian citizen work in Canada without a work permit?

    Hello, I am a Canadian citizen living and working in Canada. My fiancee is a British Citizen and wishes to work in Canada. Aside from finding an employer who will give him employment under a work permit, would he be entitled to work in Canada if we were married here, or would I need to go through the sponsorship process?Can british spouse of canadian citizen work in Canada without a work permit?
    No, visit the immigration web site and read up. Immigration Law changes all the time. They will have the forms for you to work legallyCan british spouse of canadian citizen work in Canada without a work permit?
    He needs a work permit until the spousal sponsorship process is completed and passed. Usually they stay outside of Canada unless you can afford to support him. Don't get caught doing illegal work, it will hurt your chances

    If your spouse died in 2006 can you still file electronically this year?

    My Tax software is telling me if your spouse died in 2006 and you filed joint that year, and single this year then you must do a paper return. Is this correct?If your spouse died in 2006 can you still file electronically this year?
    You can e file. Maybe it is just that software program. Did you check to see if you are a qualifying widower. If you are you can file as QW for both 2007 and 2008 as long as you are not remarried.If your spouse died in 2006 can you still file electronically this year?
    if your spouse passed in 06 this will be the last year you can file as qualifying widow and you will be able to efile

    you dont need to have dependents to be qualifying widow... when a spouse dies you are allowed to file married 2 more years after death
    I dont think your be able to file electronically, there will be extra forms that need to be filled out.

    Sorry for your lose


    We filed taxes this year and no injured spouse form How can we find out what he owes for child support?

    My husband and I usually file injured spouse for but this year we decided that we weren't to pay off the child support, however, I would like to check to see how much he still owes. We have not recieved anything from the state yet about this. We efiled through h%26amp;r block and should have our money back within a couple weeks but I still want to make sure it goes with what I have on record for what is owed. After all it is my money. My husband is disabled.We filed taxes this year and no injured spouse form How can we find out what he owes for child support?
    If you pay through the state if you go to your state office they would be able to tell you what he ows for child support under those conditions.We filed taxes this year and no injured spouse form How can we find out what he owes for child support?
    I did the same thing last year. They still tried to take my taxes and I didn't get a rapid refund. Even after H%26amp;R Block said I would.

    Your husband can call the child support office in your town to see how much he still owes.

    I still think your taxes are going to get held up.

    My husband was disabled too. I divorced him recently. Part of the problem was his back child support always haunting us and my taxes (I work full time) always in jeopardy. :(

    I wish you all the luck in the world!!! :)
    Congratulations on trying to get this paid.

    Call 1-800-304-3107, but realize that it takes time for everything to get posted.
    It's actually the child's money, and his responsibility from before he ever met you. HE can call the District Attorney's Office where the judgment is and they will give him a summary of what he owes.

    I don't EVER see a dad on here, concerned about supporting his child. However, there are lots of step-moms who are bitter and resentful about child support. It's really sad.
    What a joke the Child support offices are. They don't know how to update State to let them know when no more Child Support is owed. Last year we were finished with Child support/ Back support. This year our tax refund is delayed due to debtor..which I found out was Child Support. I have called and called they keep telling me that the State of Indiana says the Child Support is still open but the State of Pennsylvania where the child resides says the Case is closed. We reside in Indiana. What a mess. Good luck in getting your money in a couple of weeks. Last year we filled on Feb 1st and finally got the remaining of the refund after Child support was taken out in late August. But this year will most likely be the same amount of time eventhough we don't owe anything. Very Crazy.
    There a website just type in your case number and last 6 digits of your social security number and the county you live in.. It shows how much is owed and all payment that were made.
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  • Can you file a joint return if one spouse is in prison?

    I want to know if my husband is in prison can I file a joint return legally.Can you file a joint return if one spouse is in prison?
    Actually you can.......... however you need to have both signatures on the return before sending it. Here are a few things you can do. First you can get a power of attorney and attach that to the return. Secondly you can prepare the return mail it to your spouse for his signature. Lastly you can use form 2848.,,id鈥?/a>Can you file a joint return if one spouse is in prison?
    Yes, you can always file a joint return with somebody you are legally married to.

    How much does 'coasting' more, or having a spouse push the vehicle improve gas mileage?

    What kind of of savings can one expect by coasting, and improving basic driving habits?

    Links, tips appreciated.How much does 'coasting' more, or having a spouse push the vehicle improve gas mileage?
    You will save money and your spouse will have a fit body but you can expect to lose points on the cool scale if you try this method of becoming green.

    Can you imagine; you are sitting in your Lexus, organic leather seats, iPod blasting, massager on the seat in full throttle, with your wife (who's a 10) pushing you around?

    No Bueno if you are a bit of a player and/or have self respect.


    If you have no self respect and your wife is ugly anyway (maybe it'll do her some good to get some exercise) then I say go for it.How much does 'coasting' more, or having a spouse push the vehicle improve gas mileage?
    One thing that my father taught me about driving is that every time you step on the pedals it cost you money. And pretend that there is an egg between your foot and the pedal.

    Smooth and steady is the best way to get there
    Don't know, but I know the latter will save getting the gym membership.

    Here you go:鈥?/a>

    How does Bah work when you and your spouse are in different states?

    My new wife is currently in Tech School for the Air Force. We are about to set up BAH and wondering what location will they use. I am currently in DC and she is in Texas. So will they use her Texas base or my currently location of DC to base the amount of off?How does Bah work when you and your spouse are in different states?
    They should use your location.

    I'm not 100% sure on this but I believe the AF handles the BAH the same way the Army does. When my husband was in A school, they gave me the BAH for the state that I was in, because that is where we were paying rent.How does Bah work when you and your spouse are in different states?
    If she has unaccompanied orders to Tech School meaning that it is less than 21 weeks then the BAH will be based on the zip code she resided at when she enlisted. If she has a chance at accompanied orders because they will allow family there, then it will be based on Texas zip code. When she does complete Tech and has her first orders, then it will be based on where she is stationed.

    ETA: There is no BAH for any place outside the 50 US States, that is considered OCONUS and they get OHA which is based on the amount of rent being paid and the AD member has to actually be stationed there. If the spouse is in a foreign country while you are going through Basic/Boot %26amp; Schooling then it will be based on the zip code the AD member is doing it at. It can also not be paid right away
    Hello Temple,

    I do believe that you both get BAH at the single rate.

    And, the BAH is based on the base area that you are stationed.

    Anybody can correct me if I am wrong.

    Now, with many married people in the service in comparison to when I was in more than 20 years ago we have more people in this category.

    It used to be rare to find married people in the services.

    Best wishes,

    Larry Smith

    SMSgt, USAF (Ret.)

    First Sergeant
    it usually goes off the place that the spouse is at [which would be you] as this is classed as the ';home'; base............

    I know we got it for me being in the UK when my husband was in the USA but that was the US Navy.

    sorry I should have said that he was NOT going through boot at the time, but had been in for many years, and we did get BAH based on where I resided as he had been stationed there.
    Your location will be used.

    Monday, December 28, 2009

    Can a spouse take half the equity of a house in a divorce settlement?

    My friend is getting divorced. She has a house that is paid for and is worth a substantial amount of money. It was given to her by her parents who had lived there for 30 years.

    Her (soon to be ex) husband wants half the value of the house. Under community property laws, is he entitled to half the value?

    It was acquired while they were married. We live in Florida.Can a spouse take half the equity of a house in a divorce settlement?
    i am no lawyer, but spent much time researching things for my own divorce.

    she could get screwed on this if she got the property while they were married.

    florida marital/nomarital property laws:

    What is defined as marital or non-marital.

    ';Marital assets and liabilities'; include:

    1. Assets acquired and liabilities incurred during the marriage, individually by either spouse or jointly by them;

    2. The enhancement in value and appreciation of non-marital assets resulting either from the efforts of either party during the marriage or from the contribution to or expenditure thereon of marital funds or other forms of marital assets, or both;

    3. Interspousal gifts during the marriage;

    4. All vested and nonvested benefits, rights, and funds accrued during the marriage in retirement, pension, profit sharing, annuity, deferred compensation, and insurance plans and programs; and

    5. All real property held by the parties as tenants by the entireties, which acquired prior to or during the marriage, shall be presumed to be a marital asset. If, in any case, a party makes a claim to the contrary, the burden of proof shall be on the party asserting the claim for a special equity.

    ';Non-marital assets and liabilities'; include:

    1. Assets acquired and liabilities incurred by either party prior to the marriage, and assets acquired and liabilities incurred in exchange for such assets and liabilities.

    2. Assets acquired separately by either party by interspousal gift, bequest, devise, or descent, and assets acquired in exchange for such assets.

    3. All income derived from non-marital assets during the marriage unless the income was treated, used, or relied upon by the parties as a marital asset; and

    4. Assets and liabilities excluded from marital assets and liabilities by valid written agreement of the parties, and assets acquired and liabilities incurred for such assets and liabilities.

    there could be a way around this is she has some sibling that could contest the will of her parents, that way it may hold the property up in court, then the ex might give up because of the lengthy wait.

    from what i learned, what was aquired during the marriage is joint, and therefore can be split.

    has her and her husband lived in this house? if he hasn't lived there then that might be an out for her.

    with a property worth a sum of money, i would DEFINTELY recommend she get a lawyer. always get a lawyer, the judges and lawyers speak their own language.Can a spouse take half the equity of a house in a divorce settlement?
    It depends. Things such as property can come into a marriage and be exempt from community property laws if it's kept separate and does not provide a mutual benefit to both. Once it's comingled it can be open game. Her divorce attorney will have the answer.
    He is entitled to ask for it, it si the judge that determines if he deserves it.

    Florida is a community property state and divides the marital assets equitable.

    Mediation may resolve things, have her retain an attorney and see how ti goes.
    It is possible. In IL it is a 50/50 state. Where the wife is entitled to half the assets without a pre-nuptial agreement.
    yes. as long as they were married when they bought the house.