Thursday, December 31, 2009

If a Chinese spouse married to an Indian and want to settle down in India, How can she get Indian residency?

What are the legal procedures for a Chinese Spouse married to an Indian to legally settle down in India?If a Chinese spouse married to an Indian and want to settle down in India, How can she get Indian residency?
You can get Indian Citizenship by registration :

Persons who are married to a citizen of India and who are ordinarily resident in India for SEVEN YEARS (throughout the period of twelve months immediately before making application and for SIX YEARS in the aggregate in the EIGHT YEARS preceding the twelve months) before making application.If a Chinese spouse married to an Indian and want to settle down in India, How can she get Indian residency?
Simple. Marry and come and settle in India and after 5 years apply for citizenship. India is a country where anybody from the universe can come and settle as no stringent rules are available and umpteen methods are available to subvert the rules. Bangladeshi Muslims are coming and settling in India in thousands per day.
refer citizen ship Act 1955. by virtue of being the wife/husband of an Indian he/she can get registered as citizen after showing an intention of settling permanently in India.i.e. at least for a minimum of years as mentioned in the Act/rules under therein one must be in India to get there name registered.
y would it b illegal 4 a chinese to marry an indian.........i dont get it? isnt it that she gets tha green card and over a period of time she can apply for citizenship..
Why would a chinese chose to settle in India? Must be a nut.

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